Understanding Measles and its symptoms
Has a family member got a rash that you think could be symptoms of measles? Auckland has experienced several outbreaks of the Measles in recent times. If you know much about Measles it will be no wonder the MMR vaccine is so encouraged on the Childhood Vaccination roster. It’s a highly infectious disease and it is possible to contract measles simply by being in close proximity to someone who has it. Of course, circumstances like Lockdowns certainly temporarily slow the spread of Measles. But, it is important to resume your normal vaccination schedule, especially for children when possible.
Who is most likely to get Measles?
The people most susceptible to measles are generally preschoolers, aged 0 to 4. However, teenagers and young adults who have not been immunised can also be especially at risk. It spreads within other age groups as well. So, it’s good to be aware that anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated can get measles.
Symptoms of measles include:
- a runny nose
- a cough
- high fever
- a rash emerging after a few days
As symptoms of measles are similar to Covid-19, it can be hard to distinguish what the symptoms are of initially. But after a couple of days a rash appears on the head and face and then spreads to the body.
Do you need urgent help with Measles?
We recommend if you have any of these early times, you give us a call. This especially applies if it is the weekend and your normal GP isn’t open. As the measles is highly infectious, we encourage you not to come directly to the clinic. Call us to get instructions to be seen safely via the clinical team so that we can keep the rest of our patients safe.
What complications can Measles cause? (and how serious are they?)
Don’t hesitate to call us if your family has any symptoms as measles complications can be extremely serious. It can cause complications like ear infections which came result in permanent hearing loss, diarrhoea, pneumonia or, in severe cases, Encephalitis – swelling of the brain.
Prevention of Measles with an MMR Vaccination
The best way to avoid getting measles is to ensure your MMR vaccinations are up-to-date. The MMR vaccine is free to people under 50. The Tamariki Ora vaccination schedule suggested that children have their first vaccination at 15 months and a second at four years. If you are unsure if you’re up-to-date, your normal GP can check your vaccination record. If you aren’t enrolled with a doctor currently, in eastern and south Auckland, clinics like Botany Junction medical and Ormiston Medical can help you out with a vaccination.
The most important thing is that if you or your family members have symptoms of measles that you reach out for help.