Eye injuries
Have you had an accident and hurt your eye? Get urgent care treatment for injuries to the eye including scratches, black eye bruising or chemical exposure.

Have a life threatening emergency?请致电 111
When to go to urgent care for an eye injury
Any injury to the eye should be taken very seriously. Obviously, not treating your eyes following accident or injury can have serious consequences for your long term vision.
Types of eye injury commonly seen in urgent care:
- blows to the eye from an accident, fall or attack
- scratches
- punctures
- foreign bodies such as seeds, sand or small objects that can cause a corneal scratch
Symptoms of a moderate to severe eye injury
If you have any of the follow symptoms of an eye injury, come directly to see us.
- change to vision, including blurring, spotting or flickering
- pain inside and around the eye
- twitching of the eyelid
- a weeping eye with a flow of tears
- blood showing in the eye or redness
- severe injuries that have a puncture wound
- pus is more likely to be a bacterial eye infection like conjunctivitis
- blackness and bruising from an accident
Will ACC help with the cost of an eye injury?
First aid for an eye injury
Depending on the type of injury, you will need a different approach.
Blows to the eye:
- Apply an ice pack covered with a clean cloth.
- Try to keep your head still.
- Leave in place for 10 minutes while you seek medical help.
Chemical burns or irritant exposure to the eye:
- Quickly flush the eye with either saline (preferable) or clean water. Continue to flush with a lot of the fluid.
- Cover with a clean eye pad of cloth
- If acid or a strong chemical like bleach has come in contact with the eye, call 111.
- Cover lightly with a clean eye pad or cloth.
- Don’t apply pressure to the eye. Hold it around the eye socket instead.
- Don’t try and remove large foreign bodies yourself.
- Get to urgent care swiftly.

- Email info@eastcare.co.nz
- Phone number (09) 277 1516
- Fax (09) 277 1515
- Address: 260 Botany Road, Howick 2013, Auckland
- Postal: PO Box 38306, Howick 2145, Auckland
Complementary onsite services
At our Botany Road premises, we offer a number of onsite services including a Pharmacy and Radiology to ensure your visit to the Centre is as stress free as possible.
Pre-register online before you arrive
Pre-registering saves you time in check-in.
Health care professionals providing advance care plans
如您想在我们的诊所注册,您先需要填写我们初级卫生保健机构(Primary Health Organisation,简称 PHO)的注册表格。这是新西兰卫生部的规定。您还需要身份和资格 证明:
- 新西兰护照或新西兰出生证明,或
- 其它国家的护照与永久居民签证、居民签证、或 24 个月以上的工作签证
在健康询问会诊中,护士将会测量您的身高、体重、血压等,和简单的跟您相谈病史 ,让我们的医疗团队更好了解您的健康状况。
年龄 | 健康询问会诊 | 医生会诊 | 总额 |
0-13 岁 | - | 15 分钟 免费 | 15 分钟 免费 |
13 至 17 岁 | - | 15 分钟 $13.00 | 15 分钟 $13.00 |
18 至 39 岁 | 15 分钟 $10.00 | 15 分钟* $19.50 | 30 分钟 $29.50 |
40 岁或以上 | 15 分钟 $10.00 | 30 分钟 $39.00 | 45 分钟 $49.00 |
* 注:如果您患有长期疾病,请预约 30 分钟。
您在首次会诊后便能使用您的 MyIndici 患者平台。
请在会诊后尽快支付诊费。没有付清的款项每月将会有 $10 额外行政费用。
MyIndici 患者平台是一个可以让病人看到自己的健康资讯的安全网站。如果您想开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325 或电邮至 info@ormistonmedical.co.nz。
14-17 years $14
18+ years $16
Urgent prescription $27.50
我们诊所的办公时间是周一至周五,上午 8:30 至下午 5:00。
在办公室见外请前往 East Care 急诊中心,260号 Botany Road, Golfland, Auckland 2013。
电话:(09) 277 1516
Under 14 Years - Free 14 - 17 years - $14 18 years & over - $16